Saturday, 3 August 2013

British Weather

Cones and Currents
Well I think that our summer may be over but it was good while it lasted, so as we do in Britain when the weather is good we head out to the crags and boulders to test our self's and this is what I have attempted to do over the last few months. So I kicked off my Trad season which has been very brief this year with a re-intro to Trad on Foil (E3 6a) We then headed of to Cloggy to get on Great Wall (E4 6a) while it was dry. After this I had a flying Visit to Nesscliff where I quickly climbed Cones and Currents (E5 6b) and Trouble in Toytown (E5 6b). I then Worked the moves for Marlene Direct but was out of time for the lead so when I next visit its going down.

I Had a quick weekend at Stanage, even if it was scorching and managed to onsight a load of E3's but was reluctant to try hard due to the weather. I did however take the ride on Tea for Two (E4 6a) damn hard to get that foot high, also found the move on Tippler Direct desperate only just getting the onsight. Did the Unconquerable challenge with nearly 30mins to spare all onsight, and thats about if for my Trad this year so far.

Sending Tea for Two
However I have been spending a vast amount of time bouldering and managed a load of cool ticks, Starting with Turmoil and The Roof crack both around V7 I then did Ultimate retro party which I think deserves 3 stars (f7B) and the direct finish (F7B+). I also made a quick repeat of Bagshot a hard V6 just to the right of URP. Then it was time to head back to the roof crack area where I quickly repeated Sleep-Rock (f7B) and Sleep Light (f7B+) both in a session. I had another flying visit to Nesscliff on my own where I quickly climbed Northumberland Wonderland V7 Probably one of the best of its grade? And Pete's Route V6.
Well thats it so far this year but once the Temps drop hopefully we can get some hard sends on the go.

The Asp

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